Friday, January 29, 2010

Gifts that keep on giving!

This past week was my birthday. In my life birthdays weren't over-played. Some people have to be drama queens on their birthda; to me it's just another day but this year was a bit different. It was the first year in many that my friend would not be calling to wish and sing me Happy Birthday. There would be no plate of chocolate chip cookies, there would be no smile, there would be no sitting in the living room in their home and just killing time. She passed away right before Christmas.
I said to God in the morning that I was excited to see how he would replace what was missing.
Well God answered in a big way. I have had at least 100 different people contacting me to wish me Happy Birthday- many singing, tons of cards and e-mail greetings. People that I haven't heard from in years, people who I don't know well but knew it was my birthday. I had the chance to spend time with three people; extremely important in my life in a 24 hour time period. The one night we were eating at a Japanese restraunt just loving life and I thought how great God's imagination is; I just wanted a simple sign that God knew I would be missing her and he gave me a billboard bigger than life to remind me how much I am loved and appreciated. It's definately the gift that keeps on giving!