So we came home from the CIA's birthday party; by the way those of you who don't know who the CIA is, they are the triplets I babysat for when they were tiny. Carly, Isaac and Aidan. They turned three today and are getting cuter all the time. So since the night was young and the kids were out riding horse, Jim and I, well probably more I, decided we could start Laboring. After all, what good is Labor day without work? We are tearing apart the wall between two bedrooms upstairs to make a large bedroom. It would be nice to have a bedroom where you can walk around the bed instead of bump into the walls. It's plaster and lathe. It's kind of fun. It's an incredible mess. We put tarps on the floor and put plastic up but I know the fine dust will travel around the house. We have one side almost done and only have two to go. Smashing things is a rather freeing feeling. Hitting walls and making dents is part of demolition. After the smashing is done however, tearing apart the plaster, tearing the boards off and cleaning up is next. We like to make messes in life or rather, we find it much easier to make messes than clean up messes. It will be fun to watch it open up the whole upstairs simply by tearing down a wall and a closet. There will suddenly be twice as much space and when you get all done you almost forget about the work. I tend to begin projects with excitement. I tend to jump at the chance to get going. This is one project where I made sure I had some provisions down first; such as tarps and plastic. When I get frustrated with this project, we get to tear apart the walls in Addlea's room where last years flood kind of ruined things and started mold growing. Now that she's off to college, we can actually do the work without her being inconvenienced. It's fun to tear part but it's also fun to look forward to what's coming next. Last night I sat outside and watched the sun set and thought about what comes next. I know that heaven will be wonderful and far beyond my imagination, but I hope there is a place for remodeling!